Welcome to vista – a big provider of the Berlin drug help system!

Respect, acceptance and sensibility are main keystones on which vista deals with all people, regardless of their cultural and social background. Our staff members are able to adapt to your individual needs to give you the best possible counselling and assistance.    

Here you can find all the important information concerning our services in english language. 

  • drug counselling
  • job consulting and skill training
  • self help offers
  • drug consumption room with medical oversight

Drug counselling

For whom?
Are you in need of information on topics like the Berlin drug help system, addiction, alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs? Are you even looking for tangible answers? We will answer your questions – proficient and confidential.  

What do we offer?
Staff members of vista are highly experienced in the counselling of people with problems concerning alcohol, prescription and illegal drugs. We even offer counselling for concerned relatives, partners and friends. We always take cultural background into consideration. Our counselling is free of charge. We are bound to professional discretion. And if there’s need for anonymous counselling  - we can also do that.

Job consulting and skill training
You are old enough to be employed or you want to reorganize your career after a phase of joblessness? We will inform you about the possibilities concerning job qualification and skill training and prepare you for a job market entry or re-entry – individually and non-bureaucratic.

We help people with drug problems to jump (re)start their career. Our job and skill training offers are orientated towards your interests and capabilities. Our staff members will support you when it comes to contacts with employers, institutions and the job-centre. We will help you in your search for internships and apprenticeships. Our services are free of charge and will motivate you to take your next careers steps.  

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